Places and Landmarks

The Blacksmith's Shop
Giswold is the handiest of the townsfolk. He makes you weapons and is often the first one to clue you into a new quest.

The Tristram Tavern
Ogden isn't the most informative but he will usually point you to the right person if he can't himself help.

The Witch's Shack
Adria keeps a ready supply of scrolls, books, staffs, elixirs, and potions of Mana.


The Healer's Home
Pepin's provides free healing and sells potions from his home.


The Barmaid at Ogden's Home
Gillian looks after Ogden's family so he can help adventurers like you solve Tristram's problems.


The Elder's Well
Cain knows more than anyone else in Tristram. He is often the only person who can give vital information about your Quest. He can also identity magical items... for a price.


Farnham's Hangout
Farnham the Drunk is useless 9 times out of 10, but occasionally gives insight through confused words.


Wirt's Tree
FWirt's a little brat who makes you give him 50 gold just to see what he's got for sale!

The Cathedral Entrance Access to levels 1 thru 4
The Catacombs Entrance Access to levels 5 thru 8
The Caves Entrance Access to levels 9 thru 12