Our Most Popular Game:

Diablo by Blizzard Entertainment



What's New (April)
8 April 2024

April 8 24

International unrest takes a 'rare bite' out of the U.S. video game market. (Gamescape, 2024.)

April 7 24

Video Game Giant, Eidos (U.S.), makers of Gears of War, to cut approx. 800 jobs around the world. Riot Games (U.S.) to cut 900 jobs. (NPR Radio U.S., 2024.)

March 18 24

Made miscellaneous updates across the site.


What's New (2023)
2 September 2023

Sept 2 23
Updated this source code to conform to U.S. best practices in Web Development.

What's New (1997)
10 April 1997

Apr 10 97
A Huge Time-Consuming Face Lift Was Just Completed! You'll See The Changes As You Look Through The Game Icons Or The GameList!

We now have all the Reviews, Requirements, and Player Reviews for each game on one page for easy viewing. You'll find information from many different sources so take a peak at all the games again.

Also tell us what you think by emailing us. If you don't like the uniformity of the pages and feel it diminishes the value of Gamescape we would like to know! Really! Just email us to say what you think, no matter what it is that you have to say!

The facelift doesn't mean that the other pages have been removed either. The profiles you're used to can all be accessed from the new standard pages for each game. You'll quickly become familiar with this way of getting to the pages. Most of them you're used to are now under a "What The Advertisers Say" heading since most of them are basically ads. Screen Shots, Movies, and other related files are also linked to the standard pages. So everything about the game is now on one page. Enjoy your visit to Gamescape On The Web!



Mar 27 97
Star Wars On The Silver Screen Is Back!

To celebrate not only am I going to see it (I hope you are too) but I'll be adding a Testdrive of the old X-Wing CD-ROM. The classic original Star Wars space combat simulator. It runs in MS-DOS or in Windows 95 and anything that's a 486 or faster can run it! If the Force is with you then help out the old Rebellion in X-Wing... order here or on any order page!

And coming April 27th to Gamescape... X-Wing vs Tie Fighter - the newly created game from LucasArts. In this game all the coloring of the ships have been specially matched up to the ones in the real movie. Some poor graphic designer probably missed a lot of lunch-hours on that one!


Mar 26 97
The Games List Is Now Even Faster!

You don't have all day! We know this so we've done our best to speed things up at the Games List. It won't look as flashy as before but then again how much flash does a list need? We think you'll approve! Happy browsing!


Mar 24 97
New Payment Options

New Payment Options have been provided for your convenience. Thanks for making Gamescape New Zealand's choice for online games ordering!


Mar 17 97
Price Changes!
We've made things more efficient on our end so you can save on yours! Check out the new low prices! You'll be happy, I promise!

We also made changes to Ordering. You can now order using one of 5 different methods including Telephone Banking and Cheques! Flexibility is never a problem with Gamescape!

In addition, for simplicity, we've made all of our displayed prices FULL PRICES. What you see is our price. There is no added shipping, GST, or handling is involved - ever!


What's New
February 1997

Feb 28 97
Having just finished Diablo I'll be preparing my review soon... so keep your eyes open for an in-depth summary of the game's pliability and value for money from someone who bought it just like you.


Feb 18 97
Diablo Item Viewer Update
I've just added the Characters page and Enemies page including descriptions. The Enemies page has very informative descriptions so it is certainly worth a look right now, even if you don't know anything about Diablo.


Feb 11 97
Create and breed your own artificial life


Feb 10 97
Playstation Comes To Gamescape
Now, more than ever, playstation players can enjoy Gamescape! See our selection of Playstation games now and you'll also notice some very special prices if you compare us to around New Zealand. Now admittedly we are not promising the lowest prices every time... but our prices are lower than you'd expect more often than you'd think


Feb 7 97
Diablo Full Version
I've been playing the full version and finally got enough armour to see my character change appearance! I've been waiting for that all month long. It happened at armour rating 20 (higher numbers are better) when I dawned my first try of chainmail. Good stuff that chainmail!


Feb 4 97
MDK - Max, Dr. Hawkins, and Kurt
As promised here's the MDK playable demo! Click here to:

What's New
January 1997

Jan 30 97
Terminator Future Shock Cheats
These were once among the hardest-to-find game cheats for the PC... but not anymore.


Jan 30 97
The Crusader Story...
This is the game that turned heads last year. The second in the Crusader series, "No Regret" even won Action Game of the Year from the magazines: Computer Games Strategy Plus, Computer Gaming World and PC Entertainment. It's about time Gamescape profiled the Crusader series for all those who don't know the full story yet...


Jan 28 97
Unreal Is Here...
Unreal promises to add a new dimension to first-person gaming. Not because it's a Quake-clone "yet somehow different" but because it looks so good! The makers of Unreal used a high powered game editor called the World Editor to build it... the same editor that could be bundled with the game.


Jan 27 97
New Syndicate Wars Description Is Here...
Syndicate Wars is the sequel to Syndicate, the original Bullfrog game of territorial domination... go here to check it out and get a cheat you can't live without!


Jan 26 97
Thanks to the Internet we have a TombRaider Walkthrough! Check it out here


Jan 26 97
Syndicate Wars
Syndicate Wars fans click below:


Jan 25 97
Our Game List in Alphabetical Order
A simple and useful list of everything we have. Think of it as another "jump point;" because from within this list you can get to related game pages like descriptions, reviews, or orders. For even more choices go to a description and jump from there.


Jan 25 97
Diablo Is Awesome!
No doubt some of you are wondering about Diablo Internet play (using Blizzard's free service Battle.net) Here's what I've got so far: I used the Shareware version of Diablo to log-in to Battle.net and the result was perfection!

I'm only using a 28.8 modem and it worked for me at 10:30pm on Friday night - net-surfing prime time. I'm not saying it'll work every time because bandwidth is an issue but it's far from a "problem".

Here's what happened:

I logged in and joined a game. When I appeared inside I sent a chat message saying "Where is everybody?" Moments later a player responded saying, and I quote "Sorry, was killin' sh#*t! I'm in the Dungeon, level 2. Come in" I found him and we fought side by side. He was a lot stronger than me as I noticed after a creature he killed had post-death vengeance after its cousin killed me! There I lay bloody and depressed. No-one saw me go down. The distress call read: "Damn! I'm Dead!". A response: "Where are you?". Me: "Near level 3 stairs". So this guy walks up to my fallen pathetic body and wham! A light beam comes out of the ceiling and I'M ALIVE AGAIN! Wooohooo! Now that's teamwork! How can anyone resist Diablo!


The Rebellion Wants You for X-Wing vs Tie Fighter!

There is a great disturbance in the force. The new Star Wars sim is ready and waiting with an X-Wing or Tie Fighter made just for you! Apparently the Rebellion has gathered in Northern California (home of LucasArts and ILM) and is awaiting orders. Rumours have it that they'll launch on CD-ROM along with the Star Wars trilogy on the silver screen. So when you see those ads, it's time to launch with them! In X-Wing vs Tie Fighter you'll do just that! Are you ready for this? Apparently all the ships in this PC game have been re-painted to match the actual markings in the movies! May the force be with us all!

See George Lucas' Autograph - Click Here


Jan 21 97
New Low Prices
Check out the order window just to cruise the cool low prices! You'll love 'em because it means now more than ever you can game away! Just compare us to some of the other guys! Some of these games are as much as $30 less... EACH - even when compared to other Internet prices (which are usually lower)!

Tell your friends... if it's not too much to ask!


Jan 14 97
MDK - Max, Dr. Hawkins, and Kurt
Keep you hats on kids... what did David Perry of Shiny Entertainment say will happen on February 1st? That the demo to MDK will be at https://www.shiny.com that's what! Hold me back, hold me back... ( read the email here )


Jan 13 97
Diablo Item Viewer
Are you a Diablo fan? Go to our Item Viewer. From there we'll show them all: what they do, what it takes to use them, and what they look like. Besides they look neat!


Jan 12 97
Syndicate Wars
Added a 19 megabyte demo for Syndicate Wars to its description page (which is still under construction). I found it at PC Gamer USA in the downloads section. The file name is Swars.zip and our link, like theirs, pulls it from another game magazine called Next Generation. Oh we're all just one big happy family linking demos from now 'til Sunday just for you! ... I'm not sure how long it will be there though so don't dally.
https://www.pcgamer.com/ https://www.next-generation.com/


Jan 10 97
Now I've been playing the Diablo demo for about 3 weeks and I'd be completely remiss in my duties if I didn't tell you how you can make your demo last this long! How? Get this - the dungeon resetter which refills all dungeon levels with new creatures so you don't have to start a new game and loose your character, and this - the dungeon hack which adds levels 2, 3, and 4 to your demo so you can hack deeper. To use the resetter quit Diablo first. Just remember to save your character in town first. P.S. as with any game patch/hack read any help files before using them! Happy extended gaming... Diablo style~!

And by the way - did you know that while playing the demo if you press pause, pick an item from inventory, click as if to throw it away then put it back, then unpause, a new one drops from the sky? Try it... this'll make more sense if you read it while playing the demo (print this out)... Your welcome!


Jan 10 97
MDK - Max, Dr. Hawkins, and Kurt
Yes this is the game everyone is calling Murder Death Kill. No that's not its official name (but is sounds good)! The is looking great but is still under heavy construction at Shiny Entertainment headquarters, Laguna Beach, California (that's near LA); but you won't have to go there to see it... you'll see a preview movie here in about 2 weeks! Check out our MDK page from the link above and bookmark it, you'll want to come back on January 24th! Won't cha? P.S. If you're really keen to see it now get hold of the October 96 PC Power CD, it has the 33mb MDK rolling movie on it!


Jan 9 97
KKND - Krush Kill 'N Destroy
The dudes/dudettes over at Aussie-based Beam Software have quite a sense of humour which shows in their new game KKND. They took Command & Conquer and turned it sideways to let the traditional "war-stuff" seep out. What's left is creature-ridden battlegrounds of bloody-good gameplay...! There's also an ample supply of grundgy sounds, alternative structures, vehicles and wiggly creatures. Instead of making a tank you can grow a giant Scorpion! Instead of flying a Chopper, try a winged-beetle ~ ouch they bite (and probably stink too)! And they all makes gnarly little noises when you click'em! Neat. We'll see if KKND has longevity soon enough, won't we?


Jan 7 97
Syndicate Wars
The Syndicate Wars Trainer gives the cheater enhanced energy for weapons, health powerups, and of course - all the weapons! Ya drooling yet? What's more there's support for level-skipping, and coming soon (I suspect) there'll be money hacks as well. Ya drooling now? If no notify your next-of-kin cuz even the Grim Reaper knows your life-force has faded!


Jan 7 97
There is a Tombraider Cheat called the Tombraider Trainer. It lets you get unlimited health, air for swimming, and unlimited ammo. All the more reason to pick up Tombraider for those lonely nights at home, or those weekend days when you're trapped at home cuz you can't find your cashflow card - no money!!


Jan 6 96
Ĉon Flux
Our scantly-clad heroine-in-black is due for a pc near you! Jump to our game-description by clicking the red link and sneak your peak at how she plays!


May 2 2024
Copyright 1996 - 2024 Michael T Widener.
This website and its contents have always been copyright protected by New Zealand, United States, and International Copyright law. I just now finally got around to putting this here for reference. I never had my name conspicutousely on this site, and that's what led to so much confusion when I was running this. Now it's just another website in my design portfolio to demonstrate to those I work for, teach, or for legal purposes. Sorry to bore you. Now get back to doing something fun like bike-riding, swimming, reading, playing tennis, pickleball, or if you're stuck indoors, playing a video game.